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PAN is compulsory for financial transactions like as professional fess or taxable salary, purchase or sale of any assets above specified limits, buy mutual funds and so on.

PAN Regsitration
What Is PAN Regsitration?

PANstands for Permanent Account Number. Permanent Account Number is ten digit alpha and numeric number; it is issued in the form of layered card by Income Tax Department to any person. PAN is compulsory for financial transactions like as professional fess or taxable salary, purchase or sale of any assets above specified limits, buy mutual funds and so on.

Why Is It Necessary To Have PAN?

It is mandatory for an individual to declare his/her PAN when opening a bank account, receiving taxable salary or professional fees, while making certain high-value transactions, while buying a property or a car worth over a certain limit, buying or selling shares or mutual funds, applying for a visa/passport, making payment of income tax or filing tax return, and while applying for a bank loan. Through it, the Income Tax department is kept in the loop of one's income, property details, investment and tax payment. It is illegal to evade tax. PAN, thus, acts as an identifier of the person with the tax department

What Are The Documents Required For PAN Registration?

Aadhar card of applicant ( For individual)

Passport size photograph of applicant ( For individual)

MOA, AOA & COI in case of company

Partnership deed in cased of partnershi